

• 18+

フォロー数:3590 フォロワー数:1036

I have this form Nocturne and a pink form, Haru. Feel free to make a nickname for both, if you want to c:

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Yes omg, these are adorable ! If you draw Nocturne (my other half, on the right), could you draw him in a binder like on the left? Thank you ❤️

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Could you please consider? Thank you!❤️

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Could I grab anger or am I too late? ;;u;;

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I'm so excited to see your debute omg !! Consider me ? Thank you sm ilyily❤️

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I love your art !! c: Thank you for the opportunity

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Hi. I'm sorry to hear about your account.. I will retweet this. This is Haru and Nocturne (Nocturne is my other half), please consider them? c: (Please draw Haru or Nocturne with the binder on the left, thank you.)

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