

A goblin / artist
💚 Illustrating fantasy characters from across the lands.

Commissions Open!

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For years Mathas would be overshadowed by his siblings, and he soon found himself fed up with being the underachiever. He gathered his family armor and weapons, bought provisions, and set out to make a name for himself.

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A proud and loyal knight to her god, Bahamut, Godsend pursues honour in his eyes.

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Born with a dim wit and a fiery temper, Umskar of the bronzebear tribe learned to fight long before he could speak. A childhood of near-constant strife earned him his name, which means 'Mongrel of War'.

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Having an affinity for aquatic life, Nymru pursues the safety and protection of the waterways.

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Introducing my own Playable Character, Sketch!
I begin my new campaign this coming Sunday.
His backstory is still under development, so if you have any Goblin Cleric (Death Domain) backstory idea's, feel free to leave a comment below - I'd love to hear them!

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Son to the chieftain of the village Nourm, the impulsive Yunko was groomed to take his fathers position. Trained in close quarter combat and raiding strategies, Yunko was given the ceremonial blade, said to hold great power.

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Latest Sketchgoblin Campaign Poster 'Inferno'.
To order your own personalised RPG art you can head to my website

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Orn had always cared for the creatures of Numenera, though none compared the bonds he shared with his Seskii companion. His ability to control beasts became inessential due to the valued connection they shared.

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Accustomed to the cold climates of his home, Ari found life in the stone mountains harsh and unpleasant. Though his kin seemed content living in a hole, he dreamed of green lands with the sun on his back

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Hammond sought out a witch of great power within the woods, hoping to find a cure for his sisters curse. A solution was offered to him - to free his sister, he could adopt the spirit that haunted her.

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