Sonic Lorepostingさんのプロフィール画像

Sonic Lorepostingさんのイラストまとめ

Debunking misconceptions and giving analysis around the Sonic the Hedgehog games lore from all aspects
|Pic @knightnicole95

フォロー数:61 フォロワー数:9290

Thanks to all for the worries, the light was back yesterday but the PC at that time had decided to do a 20 h+ surprise update... but anyway it finally finished so here is today's lore: Time Travel 2.0

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Like Galahad, Lamorak is another hidden member of the Round Table, we know very little in the game if not thanks to his bio in the gallery, but unlike Galahad, we know even more little except that Lamorak is proud, has some skill with speed and uses the twin swords as Gawain

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In the beginning a very normal jackal leader of a very normal squad of jackal mercenaries, here he had not presented any particular skill other than that of a swordsman, he does not seem particularly strong, at least not by Shadow's standards

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In addition Darkspine uses the powers of fire, wind and darkness (basically the respective powers of its World Rings), Excalibur Sonic uses only one element, namely that of light, where it makes sense since Excalibur is a sacred sword according to Arturnian lore.

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Zavok also showed remarkable pyrokinesis skills, perhaps not at the levels of our dear Blaze, but still of a certain level of danger;
Fire punch, fire ball and a fire laser are the most memorable.

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With all this Solaris would seem to be based on the Egyptian sun god Ra, where he is not only depicted with the hawk animal but is often accompanied with a scepter;
He is also pretty much the ruler of the underworld, which this would give a little mention to Mephiles

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Reactive Factory,
According to the manual, this place is an Eggman factory, many speculate that this is place where Eggman built Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll;

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Radical City,
From the name would suggest that it has some connection to Radical Highway from Sonic Adventure 2, but I would say that is not the case, I'm more inclined that it's an original zone since it also has some elements of pinball and casino

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