

Heyo! I'm an artist who loves to be creative, fun, and burst with excitement of everything around it!

フォロー数:122 フォロワー数:221

Sorry it appears to be roughly animated, but it should be enough to show the animation here! :3

Hope you liked it! Expect beautiful edits to be added there soon! :D

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Oh! Here's the final peak of the animation in the works! I really hope you guys will like it when it's finished!
And I'll try my best for it! :D

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Oh! Here's the final peak of the animation in the works! I really hope you guys will like it when it's finished!
And I'll try my best for it! :D

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Sorry to show the me one again, but hopefully the animation will soon be ready! :D

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Alrighty! Here's the short version of the animation that I'm excited to show around! Be ready for the full version that may be ready by today!

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Okie Dokie! The animation should hopefully soon be ready by Sunday, for the background to be more amazing than ever! :3

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Despite the time for the edits, Here is the gift that represents all deities of Din, Naryu, and Farore.
Hope you liked it, !

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Despite the time for the edits, Here is the gift that represents all deities of Din, Naryu, and Farore.
Hope you liked it, !

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Here is one of the gift appreciation for

for Naryu with a Seahorse costume! (which is meant to his birthday present...) (1/2)

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Here is the other gift that represents all deities of Din, Naryu, and Farore.
Hope you liked it,

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