

Heyo! I'm an artist who loves to be creative, fun, and burst with excitement of everything around it!

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:224

Here is the other gift that represents all deities of Din, Naryu, and Farore.
Hope you liked it, !

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Here is one of the gift appreciation for
for Naryu with a Seahorse costume! (which is meant to his birthday present...) (1/2)

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Okie Dokie! The animation for Laura the Wolf is truly and officially completed! But... there appears to be missing something as part to be "special"...

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The animation for Laura the Wolf should hopefully be ready soon!

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During the wait on the 2nd part, minor edits will be made! :3

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Here's the first part of the special version being finished! The second part of the showing will soon be ready!

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Okie Dokie! This is the final preview for Laura the Wolf to be fully ready for the special version!

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Sorry for the delay! With careful detail put into the animation, the "special" animation is still under progress, but managed to finish it here!

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Okie Dokie! The "special" version for Laura the Wolf should be ready very soon! Be ready for it! :3

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Fortunately, it is ready! But because of seeing some things that does affect the animation entirely, I need at least until Friday to make sure no mistakes is ever made!

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