Armando (Soul doctor)~Psychology and philosophyさんのプロフィール画像

Armando (Soul doctor)~Psychology and philosophyさんのイラストまとめ

Veritas non est illa quam video , non illa quam cogito , est illa quam sentio ~ The truth is not what you see or what you think, it is what you feel!

フォロー数:19009 フォロワー数:40785

Harmony of beauty, sensitivity and sweetness ...

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ソーシャルネットワークで生まれる長距離の愛は、予測できない人生のケースのために到着し、魂の陰謀のために、お互いを知る前にすでに存在していることがよくあります。 あなたはお互いを見つけるのに遠すぎることは決してありません:あなたはこのように、魅惑的な心のささやきで即座に恋に落ちます

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There is a moment when you will believe that everything is over ...! THAT WILL BE THE NEW BEGINNING ...!

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Go ahead, don't be afraid. Always follow what you feel inside. You have to get lost to find yourself ...

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A drop of rain falling on your cheek is a kiss from someone who lives in heaven and watches over you ...❤

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Nella psicologia junghiana, Mr Hyde rappresenta l'Ombra dello stimato Dr. Jekyll, la sua parte non riconosciuta ed assassina che, essendo assolutamente inconscia e non integrata nella coscienza, finisce per prendere il sopravvento ed agire in modo inconsapevole e distruttivo.🙏😘

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Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that leave us breathless ...❤

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سحر القمر ، بهذه الشخصية الأنثوية ، القادر على تغيير كل عقلانية ويقين في غمضة عين ، مثل الحب: قوي ، لكنه غير ثابت ، وهش ، يعطي مشاعر شديدة ، ثم يطرح فجأة ، محذراً اللاوعي بأن "لا شىء يدوم الى الابد"

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Bir ses var, doğal ve yüce, "denizin şarkısı", bir dizi melodi: dalgaların kucaklaması, kıyıyı okşaması, kucaklaması ve öpmesi. Tatlı ve şehvetli karşılaşma, kalbi ısıtan fısıltı, tende tuzlu bir tat ile ruhu aşk heyecanıyla besler ve besler.

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