

spear simp

(i also follow nsfw, sorry)

フォロー数:369 フォロワー数:30

geh oops double posted, oh well, continuing off of here
Cocky: feat the other blaise sprite

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Bodyguarded OCs who don't need them
Lionel Umbera - can throw people with his brain
Gauler - Can probably crush a melon between two fingers
Lawson - despite being a twink, he's prt strong
Isaac - inherited his father (lawson)'s body and strength

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its hard to depict age with chibi feh sprites but these are probably the best "older than they appear" sprites i have

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Kent - Tendency to start rambling to himself about anything
Blaise - Tendency to start failing revolutions to consolodate power for himself
Ferrum - Tendency to stare way too much at something

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addendum: i forgot this guy was my tallest at 7'0" or so
(i joke about his height being "the tallest in the room")

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Destructive OCs, but these are essentially just disposable minibosses so they're pretty low effort lmao

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I sure hope I don't get locked out of my account for assblasting my feed with this thread
Plant OCs: Farmer Girl and boy from a nation of people who i joke about being hippies / ecopreservationists

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apparently i don't know my own ocs lmao, but more elemental ocs

Cai Lao - Four Elements
Sirius - Fire
Nokaze - Wind / Echomancy (sound magic)
(if you count it, Cor - Darkness, but also more typical dark magic as well)

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like 90% of my ocs have them so let me just post a few that i havent posted yet
Ryuharu - Electricity
Fuyuhoshi (yes he's literally dw guan xing) - Ice
Kizoku - Ice
Lawson - Fire / Heliomancy

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