Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのプロフィール画像

Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのイラストまとめ

Local Fatass Red Panda | 18+ | Home of all my fat and furry goodness. He/Him | Asexual | 27 | Banner by @devilishfood

フォロー数:1539 フォロワー数:2230

So cause I have not shame and wanted to draw werewolves anyways, I decided to fatten up the new werewolf skin from Fortnite...

So yeah the Dire skin is fat now, got a chug jug in more way than one~

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So I'm expecting that some fatfurs are going to take the new fortnite werewolf dude and fatten him up.

Also one of those people will probably be me cause I have no shame...

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Salisbury's got the same natural black and white as any other skunk.

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Now that it's a canon that Salisbury's fur is dyed I was have some fun with colors!

So send some color schemes/palettes (or your sona's if you feel like it) I'll change up Salisbury's colors (maybe the brief's color to for funsies) and post all the color swaps in a batch.

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Only a few inches difference between us.

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A good portion of his gain happened during college, so it took 4 years to get that fat.

Having unrestricted access to as much cafeteria food as you want makes turning a freshmen 15 into a freshman 50 surprisingly easy.

Also bonus fact with this one, Salisbury dyes his fur.

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While it’s fun playing with more extreme sizes, on a regular day to day basis, his default size of about 440lbs is what he prefers.

It’s the size he’s most comfortable with as well the size his usual eating habits and metabolism tend to put him at.

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