Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのプロフィール画像

Pumpkin Spicy Wahtteさんのイラストまとめ

Local Fatass Red Panda | 18+ | Home of all my fat and furry goodness. He/Him | Asexual | 27 | Banner by @devilishfood

フォロー数:1539 フォロワー数:2230

He’s easily flustered by any soft of praise, especially about his belly.

Given the right encouragement or praise, somebody could easily take Salisbury down a such road of gaining and gluttony that by the time he figures out how far he’s gone, he’s already way to far down it.

2 15

A Couch Filling YCH for , who seems to have found himself filling up (as well as getting himself stuck on) the couch due to his massive bulk.

4 15

Sure, have some fat skunk tum~

0 5

Have an adorably fat deerling, I ain't got much else to say with this one...

1 9

Hey it's International Red Panda Day! So nave a nice big red panda to celebrate!

7 33

Well since Tom Nook isn't going to be as up and active as Isabelle is going to be now that's she's in smash, it makes sense that he's going to pack on some (or a lot) of extra pounds.

11 38

Why is he so grumpy? Did somebody tell he to go on a diet? Is he hungry? Who knows! Whatever it is I bet some good food will cheer this Zangoose right up!

2 17

A little thing I wanted to do of since he's a skunk during Skunktember, which obviously means that he's going to have to be as massively fat as possible.

12 50

Well it's Skunktember right now so you know have have to draw Salisbury, especially considering I've neglected him as of recently. And what better way to start off the month than by making him a massive pile of skunk fat!

1 13

...And (who is now the biggest and fattest thing I've drawn to date) as well as a daytime alt for Issac632 and a sweaty alt for Ind22. (2/2)

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