

A cartoonist, a fitness enthusiast and a motorcycle lover. I like star wars and lego!…

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:52

I'm just gonna let this sit here.
Two of my favourite & hardest working people.

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The racoon who became an international celebrity overnight!
(With a lil help from his boy which people didn't see. This is a never before seen doodle of him.)
When asked what made him climb the skyscraper, he said '#spiderman!'

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everyone's a aliebn when ur an aliebn too! Wait Yoda is a aliebn!
May the Force be with you humabn!
This is an excellent book about the little things which one tends to ignore. Give it a read if you want to feel more alivbe! 😬

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Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. :)
(Or get a kite shaped earring and draw clouds around it! Boom! You're welcome!)

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Rhinos. Gotta love them.
Brute strength with incredible speed! What more does a 2,300kgs, hunk of a beast want!
Please don't let them be extinct!

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A ninja, a priest and a rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Good to see you two!"
Fun fact: Ninjas sneak around to get some of their favourite drink i.e. 'SLICE'.

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I'm not a procrastinator. I'm just extremely productive at unimportant things... 😪

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My mind says Victoria's Secret model, but my heart says Nutella and Pizza!! 🍕

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