ゴDaily Standsゴさんのプロフィール画像

ゴDaily Standsゴさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to Daily Stands, I will be posting pictures of stands belonging to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Work of Hirohiko Araki.
Acc Run by: @NotUrSenpai5

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:554

vida propia, con características similares al animal que se asemejan; Tales como el sentido del olfato de un perro y las habilidades de seguimiento.

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Tubular Bells
✧ User: Mike O.
✧ Part: Steel Ball Run
✧ The basic power of the stand essentially gives its user the ability to inflate metal items like screws by blowing on them, like balloons.

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Limp Bizkit
✧ Usuario: Sports Maxx
✧ Parte: Stone Ocean
✧ Limp Bizkit permite que Sports Maxx traiga a los muertos de vuelta a la vida como criaturas de tipo zombi. Estos "zombis" se manifiestan como espíritus tangibles que salen de sus cuerpos corpóreos y atacan a

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Limp Bizkit
✧ User: Sports Maxx
✧ Part: Stone Ocean
✧ Limit Bizkit allows Sports Maxx to bring the dead back to life as zombie-like creatures. These "zombies" manifest themselves as tangible spirits that come out of their corporeal bodies and attack anything nearby

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Dark Mirage
✧ Usuario: Michal
✧ Parte: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Genesis of Universe
✧ Dark Mirage es un Stand que puede materializar espejismos y manipularlos a escala libre, así como convertirlos en realidad.

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Dark Mirage
✧ User: Michal
✧ Part: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Th3 Genesis of Universe
✧ Dark Mirage is a Stand that can materialize mirages and manipulate them on free scale, as well as turn them into reality. The materialized mirages can be used to attack.

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✧ User: Enrico Pucci
✧ Part: Stone Ocean
✧ Whitesnake's primary ability is to manipulate spirits through the use of special DISCS.
Whitesnake can first and foremost extract a portion or the entirety of a person's psyche out of their bodies in the form of

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Ebony Devil
✧ Usuario: Devo
✧ Parte: Stardust Crusaders
✧ El poder de Ebony Devil se activa una vez que Devo es golpeado por su enemigo.
A continuación, se hace más potente dependiendo del odio que Devo siente hacia su enemigo con relación a la cantidad de daño que

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Ebony Devil's power activates once Devo is hit by his foe. It then grows more powerful depending on the hatred Devo feels towards his enemy relative to the amount of damage he's received.
Ebony Devil can then transfer itself to something physical in order to attack.

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Achtung Baby
✧ Usuario: Shizuka Joestar
✧ Parte: Diamond is Unbreakable
✧ Su Stand, Achtung Baby, puede volverla invisible; así como a todo en una esfera alrededor de ella. Por ser una bebé, no parece tener control sobre su Stand,

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