

#SteelCityGang #Steelers #HereWeGo

@akidcalledbeast #AKCB #CCM #Goons #HMN5 #NFTEngraver #3DHoudini

フォロー数:1774 フォロワー数:2520

Here is the I won from minting some
Thanks again to & for onboarding me to the community

7 11

So happy to be apart of the , I just can't get over the art work. Soon as I make some sells I will be buying more

13 29

This guy won me a bit ape so I team purple eyes, guess that makes him G-Bot right

3 6

I'm gonna keep posting this bad ass , he's so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

16 51

LFGOOOOOOO 🔥🔥🔥it's official I'm a f@¢king
member thanks to

Stand-up guy, not to many ppl is say this for in Web3 but your a stand up dude. Thanks bro

9 20

This is the I minted yesterday that won me a last night.
He ain't going anywhere ever now


12 35