

I'm not here anymore.

フォロー数:1507 フォロワー数:581

There's a mount and pet bundle on the Blizzard store that has the Vulpine Familiar and Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel mounts and the Shadow and Alterac Brew-Pup pets. I already own said mounts I could get the bundle at a hefty discount just to get the two pets. Hmmm...

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Why did I only now notice that Gnomes have four fingers on each hand and yet have five toes on each foot?

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A friend has been filing the serial numbers off his fan characters (and one of mine) and I think it's gone pretty well! I actually dig these designs.

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The Fallout series is retrofuturism inspired by 1950s era nuclear panic but still set in the future. Like the Great War happens in 2077 and the first game takes place in 2161. And that's something casual fans tend to forget that it's not retro but retrofuturism.

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One of my personal favorites is the Kor'kron Dark Shaman set from WoW: Mists of Pandaria.

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This can apply to a few people...

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Where does Thicc Impa from the Oracle games fit in?

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I don't think Warlords of Draenor was the worse expansion, but I do think it was the expansion with most wasted potential due to scrapped content. Among other things I am sad players never got access to the new Gorehowl model.

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