

フォロー数:1237 フォロワー数:463

No one in the DBZ Universe has pointed out how Yamcha was able to recover from a gaping flesh wound by eating a Senzu bean

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Post a picture of your OC and three things that inspired them.

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I named my OC Kiko because when I was drawing him, I remembered this one time where my friend was looking at a comic book named "Kiko Machine" and he wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to get his attention. I yelled "Kiko!" at him and he looked, that wasn't even his name.

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I dunno where I was going with this post

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Qrt with your first digital art and your most recent

2014 - 2021 https://t.co/4FXNo3JbGM

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Same way he fought Shin Godzilla, by piloting a giant Hinata Ratattouille style like he's a mech

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