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#Hillary has another medical episode. #HillaryHealth #HillaryCollapses @realDonaldTrump #Deplorables
RIP #GeneWilder. #WillyWonka was required viewing growing up. Still is... #OompaLoompas
96% of Hillary’s charitable donations in 2015 went to #ClintonFoundation #Hillary @realDonaldTrump #Trump
#TheClintonFoundation remains mired in suspicions about conflicts of interest. #Hillary @realDonaldTrump #Trump
POW #JohnMcCain, Hispanic Federal Judges, Fire Marshals, Grieving Gold Star Mothers... Who's next? #trump
@BernieSanders never really had a chance. #DNC #DNCleak #DemsInPhilly #Hillary #FeelTheBern #BernieSanders
#MelaniaTrump speech questioned for plagiarism #MelaniaSpeeches #melaniatrumpspeech
Land of the free because of the brave. #4thOfJuly #AmericaFirst #America #Liberty #GodBlessAmerica #Philadelphia