


フォロー数:428 フォロワー数:699

Godzilla and his predecessor Gojira. https://t.co/G4KF3XLuHe

21 146

Hi I’m Takaiju. I like designing characters and monsters :)

27 152

Here’s a question for toku fans. Since the “Shin” series seems to not be limited to just Kaiju. What iconic characters would you think should get the “shin” movie treatment?

18 120

has been incredible so far. New movie next year, 2 badass short films, and awesome figure announcements.

4 49

The GvsGRex short film was great. The Gigans were amazing. They are my favorite Gigan designs now. Gigan Rex was AWESOME (told you so) and Godzilla was really cool too. I really want to hear the artists design process for all the design. Great work and congratulations

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Please, we need the TV versions

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