

TW: disturbing content
DNI: minors, radfems, ruzzians
23 y.o. male. aroace
Alt: @FesteringFlesh

Header: @_Elaiz_

フォロー数:3869 フォロワー数:876

Art for my friend https://t.co/Fp8yftWBzu with their oc. <:

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Kind of a monster I made a day before.

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So there're my kids. Not really complicated combinations but still, I like them.

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Ha, das my boi from a greatest of asks.

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Well, the reason I've been learning how to draw is making fanart pictures of my favorite game characters.

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And here's my second oldest oc's final demon form.
His name is Silence and he is a lust demon somehow. And main character's step father in my setting.

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Lazy sketch with some kind of coloring for Dio pony concept.

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Sort of a quick request for

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