

TW: disturbing content
DNI: minors, radfems, ruzzians
23 y.o. male. aroace
Alt: @FesteringFlesh

Header: @_Elaiz_

フォロー数:3869 フォロワー数:876

6. Well, there was a time when I was trying my best for some reason.

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idk just cute sleepy Diego

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Does someone remember that one pic I was announcing a lot but still didn't posted a final piece?
I just saw it and, bro, some elements were really pretty.
But omg, the full picture is fucking disgusting. How could that happen to me?

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Havin' fun with lineless sketching or so idk

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Some type of adult Giorno concept.

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This thing is literally a piece of gold.

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Lmao I can't draw cute pics, that's why here is cute Bruno eating pizza

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