

NitroReflux at the new place.

Banner Logo by @Strekks

フォロー数:74 フォロワー数:50

Lady Wynnifreid Ashtarost, at your service.

Another random DnD back-up character, don't let the small stature and cute demeanour fool you; she's more than capable of punching your face out through your arsehole.

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totally forgot to put the "finished" version of this up.
(also forgot to update my tag's date last time, whoopsie-poopums)
Baela big, Baela strong, Baela fashionable.

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Still trying to work out what exactly I'm doing style and proportion-wise,
so I did drew up my (aptly named) necromancer lady, Zofia Grimm, as more practice.

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drew up a proper pic of my back-up Ranger character, Beckett,
then did some alt colours since her default green outfit looks unintentionally like Link's.

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Been just over 4 years since I designed my three main girls (and properly started drawing digitally).

My posing's still not that great, but my understanding of anatomy and what I'm going for aesthetically has come a long way.

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Decided to do something a bit *more* than I usually do, here's Baela Valencia, my barbarian in the DnD game I'm currently playing in.

She big, she stronk and she may, or may not, be mildly possessed by a demon.

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Finally at the end, here's Sarci.

She hasn't changed alot on the design front, just been a case of actually learning how to draw muscles somewhat decently. Her arm's had a few tweaks over time, but nothing major, really.

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Articles 9a & 9b, Roxie and ATLAS.

Roxie hasn't needed much changes over time, mainly just costume stuff. ATLAS, however... I think this is his 5th or 6th iteration. Robots sure ain't easy to design, lemme tell ya.

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Number 5 is alive, it's Shelke.

Shelke has always been a nightmare for me to draw, since he's a tall, lanky male, which is the exact opposite of what I typically draw. But hey, he's certainly looked worse than this.

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