Memento Moriさんのプロフィール画像

Memento Moriさんのイラストまとめ

God is the only reality. - Fr. Gabriel

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St. Isaac Jogues and Companions (1642-1649)

Eight French Jesuits; six priests and two lay brothers. Five died in modern Canada, three in the modern U.S. They worked amidst great privations for the Hurons' conversion, and were taken prisoners by the Iroquois tribe and tortured.

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St. Thecla, Martyr (First Century)

Brought to the faith by St. Paul in Iconium, she was denounced as a Christian to the authorities by her mother. She underwent the torments of flames and wild beasts under Emperor Nero. Having recovered, she died in peace in Seleucia.

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St. Joseph of Cupertino (1663)

He was admitted and then dismissed by the Capuchin friars due to his lack of learning. By Providence, he was eventually ordained. He would go into ecstacy by the mere mention of Jesus or the Blessed Virgin. He was seen levitating while saying Mass.

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St. Cloud (560)

The eldest son of king Chlodomir and St. Clotilda, he cut off his hair, renouncing the world and devoting himself to the service of God. He placed himself under the direction of St. Severinus, was ordained priest, and gave his inheritance to churches and the poor

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St. Eleutherius (585)

He was chosen abbot of St. Mark’s near Spoleto under the direction of Pope St. Gregory the Great. He was favored by God with the gift of miracles, and he once raised a dead man to life. After resigning his Abbacy, he died in Rome in St. Andrew’s monastery.

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The Beheading of St. John the Baptist

The Gospel recounts his martyrdom. St. John boldly reprimanded Herod for adultery. "It is against the law," he told the king, "for you to take the wife of your brother." Herodias and her daughter requested Herod to have St. John beheaded.

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St. Zephyrinus, Pope, Martyr (217)

Successor of St. Victor I. He forbid the use of wooden chalices in the celebration of the Mass, and prescribed for all the faithful to receive Communion on Easter Day. He defended the doctrine of the Trinity against the Sabellians.

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St. Roch (1327)

After the death of his parents he joined the Third Order of St Francis. During a plague, he tended to the sick and effected many cures by prayer and making the sign of the cross. Falling ill himself, he withdrew into a forest where a dog brought him food everyday

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"Her virginity and generosity in embracing heroic martyrdom has rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse anything that she asks for us." - St. John Vianney

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St. Philomena, Martyr (304)

Her name, Philomena, was inscribed upon her tomb. At age thirteen, she consecrated herself to God. The Emperor Diocletian wanted to marry her, and when she refused to be his wife, he repeatedly tortured her. Afterwards, she was finally beheaded.

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