Memento Moriさんのプロフィール画像

Memento Moriさんのイラストまとめ

God is the only reality. - Fr. Gabriel

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St. John of Matha (1213)

He was inspired to dedicate his life to the ransom of Catholics made slaves by Muslims in the Crusades. With St. Felix of Valois, he founded the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives, called Trinitarians, approved in 1198.

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St. Agatha. Martyr (251)

She resisted the advances of a Roman prefect sent by the emperor Decius to govern Sicily. Her rejection of the prefect resulted in her brutal torture, during which her breasts were cut off. In prison she had a vision of St. Peter who healed her wounds.

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"Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word in peace; Because my eyes have seen thy salvation" - Lk. ii. 29,30

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Wax candles are solemnly blessed in commemoration of our Lord, Whom they represent as the Light of the world. They should be kept, especially to be lit near the bed of a dying Christian, as a symbol of the immortality merited for us by Christ.

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St. Maurus, Abbot (584)

He was a disciple of St. Benedict, and his chief support at Subiaco. 
St. Benedict commanded St. Maurus to save his drowning monk, Placidius. St. Maurus walked with simple confidence on the waters of a torrent and brought him back to safety.

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St Felix of Nola (255)

He was violently persecuted for the faith, and earned the title of martyr for the torments he underwent. Innumerable miracles have made his tomb famous. According to St Paulinus, who owed to him his conversion, Nola became the second place for pilgrimages.

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Feast of the Holy Family

Our parents are placed over us by God, and we are indebted to them, under Him, for life and many benefits. "Cursed be he that honoureth not his father and mother" (Deut. xxvii. 16) How much more cursed those who despise, deride and abandon their parents?

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The Return From Egypt

"An angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt, Saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel. For they are dead that sought the life of the child." - Matt. ii. 19-20

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We offer Him gold when we present Him our will by perfect obedience and self-denial. We offer Him frankincense when we meditate upon His love, goodness, justice, and mercy. We offer Him myrrh when we mortify our evil inclinations and passions.

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"None of us knows what awaits us in the new year, but God knows. His will has already prepared our paths; every detail of our life is already determined in His mind. Let us be ready to accept, or rather embrace... everything God wishes or permits" - Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen

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