

27 - Transgender - She/Her A.D. for MMZR by @IliadGames.
PFP by @SnippyAsianGuy
Comms |CLOSED|.

フォロー数:364 フォロワー数:238

My Twitter banner has been the same thing for years; so it's time to change it to reflect on what I love making. Here's some of my favorite video game characters!

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Get ready to go buck wild! I'm not as big a fan as other people, since I never grew up with this series but I thought I'd give it some love. After all, gotta celebrate all things Mega Man! Enjoy!

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Another Saturday means another sketch! This time you better make sure you do your Data Shuffle with our pal from Mega Man Legends! Hope you enjoy!

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"Good luck, Mega Man!" She may not be a Super Fighting Robot, but Roll's here to help however she can! Still experimenting with backgrounds, so I hope you all enjoy!

10 22

Another Saturday means another sketch! Expect the full version soon!

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It's Saturday again! Time for another sketch! This time, it's my recent Vile piece! Definitely think that the finished product has to be one of my best yet.

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It's a bit on the late side, but here's a belated Valentine's Day card from me!

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I haven't done a lot of 8BDM spriting in a while because rotating sprites is a lot trickier than most would expect, but I'm pretty proud of how this has been turning out so far.

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I saw that was trending, so I thought I'd share mine once again! They don't get as much attention on this site as much as I'd like, but I'm going to keep posting art of them regardless.

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