

''Failure is not an option.'' | Adult, Female SFW Multifandom artist | A//I or Cr//yptø, MAJOR DNI. | currently obsessed with MegaMan and Sonic again

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:261

Cloudy babyyy

I will get to Mario art here in a bit.

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"...I've never seen one of these before..."

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Attempted to redraw Zayra. It's been a long ass time since I did...

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Tried to get her to look like a Lombax breed but kinda failed so shes just a Pokemon with a pickaxe weapon.

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AoAs for a TH user. I can't seem to get the second one to upload to Discord. It's not a huge file and my wifi is fine.

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I feel like I only drew her worse. I don't know what it is about her design I can't do digitally??

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