

''Failure is not an option.'' | Adult, Female SFW Multifandom artist | A//I or Cr//yptø, MAJOR DNI. | currently obsessed with MegaMan and Sonic again

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:261

Dusty got a redraw. Not much changed. Big brother gonna be with him soon

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Ended up finishing the doodles. I might try to shade these later maybe.

Everyone came out pretty nicely too.

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I just wanted an excuse to draw these two.

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This boi has arrived and he ain't leaving the ship

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Art for a DA/TH user. I got a handsome Lombax in exchange~

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Why were you difficult.

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~I get to repost without the dumb white bg~
Lemonade and Milkshake Cookie

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Directed at a certain Crepe.

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~No background wheee and repost~
Memory Crystal
- "Memories that are stolen by this crystal will return upon break but the Cookie's appearance that got changed as a sideeffect will not revert back."

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