

Independent researcher.
Early 20th century Art & Visual Culture: London, Paris, Moscow & beyond.
Work in (slow) progress: "Nancy Cunard - An Uncommon Viewer".

フォロー数:927 フォロワー数:584

There are so few paintings in the UK, but they have her "The Weaver" 1910 (c/o https://t.co/JpbTIxL9ta) - we'll be discussing this for sure on Saturday https://t.co/SsJWaBR7Qw

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Viktor Vasnetsov's "Bogatyrs" - legendary guardians of Russia (1881; Tretyakov Gallery)

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Also by Joanna Boyce Wells: this beautiful portrait of Fanny Eaton (1861) & see https://t.co/r4BXXIjcyK

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And Wildflowers (no date) by Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (1827–1891) c/o

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Goddesses Venus, Minerva & Flora are at the heart of Broomfield Hse's images - ?

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We're discussing Gainsborough at this Thursday 10.30-11.30am SouthgateBeaumont - all welcome!

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