

Your favorite repo of Fire Emblem knowledge & the editor/graphics guy for all the FE content you love. Twitch Partner.

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# twitch

I see no difference.

51 364

Preliminary art for the send-off Lord combination card for Fire Emblem Cipher.

I want to say that from left to right, we have Marth, Alm, Celica, Seliph, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Eliwood, Eirika, Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Chrom, Lucina, M!Corrin, Alfonse, and M!Byleth.

9 115

May the dream of a Kazama Raita Lyn card rest in peace.

Alas, only cheesecake for me.

0 18

This man walks up and slaps your cat across the face. What do you do?

7 193

Legendary Chrom's design seems to take heavy inspiration from this Cipher Card.

Granted, this Cipher card has him using a weapon that actually exists in Awakening, but hey, I guess Heroes was left wanting for alternatives to the Falchion.

7 102

Just submitted my Partner application. I meet all the requirements, but even still, I've got my fingers crossed.

Here's hoping.

1 41

Oh god Nils run. I've read enough schlocky manga in my younger years to know that this is not going to end very wholesomely.

34 263

I'm convinced that Fiona's stats in FE10 must have been some sort of development goof, because there's no goddamn way they write a character that's the daughter of one of the 4 Riders of Daein and make her so weak to get one-rounded by soldiers in the following chapter.

12 149

Here's a pro tip for you all. Despite looking very similar when approached with the groggy haze of a morning wakeup, eye-drops and ear-drops are DEFINITELY not the same thing.

2 18