

A Kinky Fantasy Romance Series full of heart and heat~
For Mature Audiences only
Created by @MysticLovesMuse and @MuseDoes

フォロー数:13 フォロワー数:5



Lovers from long ago...

Includes a version similar to how certain illustrations accompanying lovescenes in the webnovel may look. Official website coming soon!

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A small collection of our resident Hypnosis Sorcerer, Iylen Benilese, drawn by . I gotta say I absolutely love how his eyes came out!

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Iylen is an empath, feeling your beauty and your pain.

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Be careful Ladies, Gentlemen, and every lovely shade in between~ Fyfe here is liable to steal your heart!

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Hello All! Familiaris is a sex-positive romance webcomic by . Here is a sampling of art related to the project development. We hope you stay tuned!

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Kor and Iylen both know how the Discovery of the Gift can disrupt one's charted life. Though of wildly different beliefs and rearing, empathy and loyalty keep this duo side by side without question, no matter how extreme their trials become.

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Today, on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, we will begin to reveal our project to the world! Please, stay tuned and enjoy.

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