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New Cataclysm TW Ideas:
-Pieces/Ensembles to finish incomplete leveling sets (Many sets from Cata revamp remain incomplete to this day)
-Unused Explorers League/Reliquary Tabards:
-Deathwing mace that was never used (Cosmetic like Aegis?)
-Unused Raid/PVP set colors
New Wrath TW Ideas:
-There is a MEGATON of unused weapon colors from the Crusade Raid/Dungeon; easily enough for a 10k badge Weapon Arsenal
- Unused Raid colors (there's a lot)
-Unused Alliance Vanguard/Hand of Vengeance Tabards
-Tons of Vrykul/Troll/Coliseum unused weapons
New BC Timewalking Ideas:
-Dungeon Set 1 TBC Recolor Ensembles (there's so many not used/incomplete!)
-Missing Tranquillien /Area 52 Tabards
-Unused Draenei Guard gear / weapons
- Tons of Unused Sunwell Weapons fit for Void Elves & High Elves!
Legion TW Vendor gear gave unused colors for Cloth/Leather sets & a whole new plate Ensemble
The Weps were also unused NB weps!
The Aegis of Aggramar was a GREAT add too!
Imagine if all the TW Vendors sold unused stuff from each Expansion era instead of reusing existing gear?
@Never2late2RB28 According to the Ensemble files, this is what we’ll be getting!
Unused Blood knight variant from Tier 21 Paladin set
@MrGMYT Once complete (it's listed as an Ensemble) it'll look like this
Unused color variant from back in 7.3 that fits Blood Knight coloration/theme to a fucking T.
Such a beautiful set
@DesMephisto Been in the game since 7.3 yet despite matching the Horde color scheme perfectly (as the Alliance pvp set does) an orange version was added.
Looks like the Silvermoon 9.2.5 quests will FINALLY add it in game!
PTR Spoilers
Looks like we MAY finally be getting the Blood Knight colors for the Paladin 7.3 Tier?
Hot damn this is CHRISTMAS for Blood Elves!
Trial of Style use to offer 1 new Ensemble per armor class per season
9.1.5 added some new stuff but lets hope more is coming with 9.2.5
Between Timewalking rewards & ToS which should happen 3x a year, the HUNDREDS of unused assets can finally be put to use in a fun way
Adding to my 9.1.5 Wishlist
More Trial of Style stuff!
The boots in 9.1.5 were great - would love to see more added.
New Rewards 1 per year would make the event even more special.
There are dozens of unused boots/glasses that could be added in time for next ToS in 9.2.5