Ops Does a Draw⚡️さんのプロフィール画像

Ops Does a Draw⚡️さんのイラストまとめ

I'm Ops. I draw TTRPG stuff and post about games.

I draw fat people. I'm not sorry. Don't like, don't look.

They/Them⚡️Agender⚡Old⚡DM 💖@ilikesharpteeth💖

フォロー数:94 フォロワー数:177

Both Hate and Love that this charismatic asshole is like my obsession right now. (I liked both versions so you get both~

4 9

new drawing screen so to test it out so of course I drew Zachariah because he is my special interest currently~ (will wood songs fit him well)

"The only ones in need of love are those who don't receive enough
So evil ones should get a little more"

3 11

"Even if things look hopeless, your harem brothers have your back. Alone we are weak, but together we are mighty. None of us asked to be here, but one day, we will all get out, mark my words"

And only one of them did, and in the worst way possible.

5 18

A young terragon man sits in the holding cell after being sold into servitude. This is the moment he realizes that  this should never happen to anyone. That he will do anything, no matter the cost, to make sure this never happens to anyone else.

5 10

It's said that there is a lost city of terragons that worshiped a strange dog god. Their original religion is long lost, but these Jackal headed terragons still exist as marauders attacking travelers. Their cackling laughter a sign that you have passed into their territory

3 8

Ram is for sure 100% his father's son. He totally inherited his smart mouth,smooth talking, and his pension to want to do good for people (even if you wouldn't think he would) just not his...need to scam the ever loving hell outta people.

2 8

Err needed a new human form for...secret reasons, but it's fun to give him a more approachable form~ <3

4 9

you make your way through the dark forest at night, when suddenly you bump into a Eladrin with a lantern carrying a not at all suspicous bag. you have to wonder while he tells you about the danger in these woods, what he is doing out here if it's so dangerous?

3 8

Hi! This may be my first post here or the first done in some time, or just a normal post, but  This is a test to be make sure my posty birb program is working <3 Look forward to more art coming your way~

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