

• Dalek enjoyer
• Introvert
• He/Him

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:4814

Oh at some point I'd definitely love to have a proper go at your German Dalek in particular! the helmet like dome, pivoted arms, halogen dome lamps and not to mention the tank tracks are proper lovely.

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I vaguely recall Lee saying this somewhere, might've been in one of the DWM collection releases there.

I suppose its more an excuse here for a purple Dalek figure but I do agree I prefer it in a more fitting black (gold trim?) form

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The problem with proper gold is it looks highly unrealistic surrounded by accurate Daleks, because it would've been an on set nightmare - it breaks that throughline to me.

Also... green?? I am very confused there 🤣

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a take i disagree with? there is only one cause of suitable action 🤣

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I've watched The Terror too much so have a pitch for a Doctor Who story.

Vashta Nerada on the lost Franklin Expedition

Crew on both ships lost
Night lasts months in the arctic
Mostly bones found of the crew = Vashta
Vashta in old deep sea diving suits
19th century setting

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