

The Comic is at My Portfolio - Book Store -

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Q2 I really like converging storylines, and plots that slowly reveal themselves. "Giant Robo" was a big influence for me, as its story is misleading, and full of unreliable narrators, with the real story only fully revealing itself in the final episode.

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I kinda want to do a fantasy comic, maybe back to comedy. My first comic (2004) was sci-fi/comedy. My second comic (2011) was a more serious/adventure sci-fi story for a kids' show. My third comic (2013-present) is sci-fi/horror. So yeah, something with more trees might be nice.

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I do. I made it around 1996-97 and it's called "Attack of the Amazing Flying Spud". In 2004 I began remaking it as a web comic. I worked on it regularly through 2005, then off and on again before finally finishing it in 2012. The webcomic version is 128 pages long.

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This is unlikely the issue. If an artist was hired at all they were likely handcuffed by what walking embodiments of the word "beige" required them to produce. But I highly suspect this is what we would call "programmer art".

Pictured: Unrelated pages from my first comic project

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The first image is actually a collection of drawings from various pages and cover art that I got the idea to throw altogether into one big crowd poster, so that was super easy. The other three are based on movie posters I saw and decided to make Sprawl homages of.

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I get a lot of ideas from movie posters and book covers. I wouldn't say I ever found it particularly challenging since I usually decide to do promotional art after the idea for it pops in my head. Book covers can sometimes be more of a challenge since a publisher is waiting.

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Q4 Being primarily a horror comic, the adventures rarely turn out well for my characters.

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