

The ridiculous Noi. Amateur artist/animator. Love designing characters. Wannabe game designer. Nintendo fan. Pokémon Master.

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:41

I dunno why this is a thing but ok

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A lil something I threw together to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the big ape’s series.

Here’s to another 40 years of barrel blasting, Kremling smashing, Banana filled adventures!

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They call me Noi!

And by they, I mean me!

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A buddy dared me to do this.

Banjo Kazuya

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Hey, I do the art thing!

Not very good at it, but godammit do I try.

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All the Banjo Kazooie/Xenoblade Chronicles 2 memes I’ve been seeing made me realize something. I love art style swaps!

I give you Driver Banjo and Blade Kazooie. As well as cutesy N64 mascots Pyra and Mythra.

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I was idly doodling and I decided to turn Nintendo, XBox and PlayStation into Pokémon starters.

They’re a Basilisk Lizard, a Tanuki, and an Armadillo respectively.

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