

Mediocre artist

フォロー数:1465 フォロワー数:31564

Struggling to find time to do much drawing at the minute, so here's a very quick doodle of Siouxsie Sioux reclining on some chairs.

58 606

Some close ups for anyone interested in seeing them in a bit more detail…

0 21

Happy Birthday to Rik Mayall.

52 580

Happy 90th birthday Yoko.

158 1306

A Joni Mitchell drawing.

8 257

The Beatles Abbey Road in the style of Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts.

159 1308

I've decided to do a few prints of this recent drawing of John Lennon in egg man mode. I hadn't planned to but I got one printed and I really liked how it turned out. On the off chance anyone wanted one they're available here...

5 42

I watched Love & Mercy again the other day. I love that film. It left me wanting to draw Brian Wilson in his Fire Chief helmet, so I did.

28 247

Happy 40th Birthday to The Young Ones.

433 2852

A quick PJ Harvey doodle.

18 326