

Mediocre artist

フォロー数:1557 フォロワー数:34227

Hard to believe it's been six years already. Here's a handful of the roughly four billion Bowie tributes I've drawn over the last couple of years.

58 398

Portrait of a Lawrence.

2 40

Hanna-Barbera's Beach Boys

36 327

A public service announcement from Mr David Bowie.

38 279

I spent my weekend completely falling in love with the music of Ezra Furman. She's amazing. Here's a portrait I drew yesterday afternoon while working my way through her discography.

1 72

The Kraftwerk Gang. Join their wacky adventures every Saturday morning from 9am.

116 651

I need to learn a style that's wildly out of my comfort zone for something I'm doing later this year. In preparation I did a handful of Bowie portraits.

16 188

Another band in the style of Peanuts characters. This time The Stone Roses.

280 2595

Sly Stone at Woodstock.

16 129

A recap of recent 'Bands as kids cartoon shows'. Entries 11-15 of what appears to be a never ending series of drawings.

43 358