

Greetings! I'm Sovering and my humor most of the time is "hit or miss", let's see how far I can go
Human | Alive | Earthling | Shit-Poster | Aspiring Cartoonist

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:16

[Shit-Post] Mocking-Mood!

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[Shit-Post] The Family is Finally Together!

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[Shit-Post] Head Canon: FEH bad guys always fail because they troll each other.

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[Shit-Post] Genshin Bartender Event got me hoping for this:

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[Shit-Post] Spring is here! I made a post about Alfonse's pets.

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[Shit-Post] Happy February 14th; This is one of my early posts, 2 years ago. I decided to start posting my early work here. (Not an original post tho)

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[Shit-Post] Yesterday, I won my nomination "Best Overall Post "(2021) in the Fire Emblem Heroes Sub-Reddit, thanks to everyone who liked it and vote for me. Here is the post I made back in March.

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[Shit-Post] "Park Conversation"
I must admit this is not an original creation, years ago I saw a meme with this pun but it was "Wonderwall", alas, I couldn't find the original meme.

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[Shit-Post] I like FEH Male OCs, unfortunately, they are barely used in their stories.

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