

The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction, while the spiders of math are wiser at the courses of deduction. “The most factual account on 𝕏”

フォロー数:2815 フォロワー数:33855

Programmers Users

8 110

Switching between Twitch streams

5 53

10 pm and it’s time for bed. See you tomorrow, friends! Can’t wait to see you all in the morning.

0 22

Mom and Dad energy at

6 pm 10 pm

7 79

Stumbling on a random account that has blocked you for some reason.

20 179

wistfully remembering the glory days, killing lots of stuff

8 83

10 pm and it’s time for bed. See you tomorrow, friends! Can’t wait to see you all in the morning.

5 45

Did you know that a 2013 geological survey conducted by found that *23* percent of all gently sloping hills in the continental US are actually the remains of dragons?

13 115

Forced to but when
deal with screens you’re
at work all day, home...

3 37