

A man, with narcolepsy.
Digital artist & photographer.
Love unsigs.

My art- kreate.art/@tim_the_sleep
Collected art- kreate.art/$paytim


フォロー数:1280 フォロワー数:1473

It's odd when you get 'this close' to finishing a piece - but get stuck in versioning. Come back later to look with new eyes is my usual strategy. Not 100% on this one. Any thoughts?

0 11

Some days you wake up and you just want to have a play. Remixing just for funsies.
"1980s Computer Gaming" palette.

2 27

The Discovery phase drop for went live yesterday. Pretty happy with these 2 little gems now in my hoard. Maybe check it out if you like that sort of thing. You could be one of the very lucky people to mint a "radiant" animated one! 😀

2 15

My own technical shortcomings prevented me speaking at the CNFT Workshop and the unsigned_algorithms panel, but I have finally now honed some of my thoughts into words:

4 19

An example of what I do to relax (read: avoid pressing responsibilities)
An unsig that is mine by purchase, and 2 unsig_dreams I created from it. It never stops being interesting to me!

2 17

Not sure if this counts. I created it from a Refresh (I used Southern Lights for this), but it's pretty far away from one now!

0 15

More art from me. I am liking some of the things my tired brain is now producing. I hope you might too.

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Had great fun today being given the opportunity via a commission to creatively play with an unsig that is new to me. This is a joy!

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I feel like I am trying to spin too many plates at once, but still hoping that somehow some kind of progress is being made in the midst of it all.
Here are some pretties, all evolved from unsig_23225

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