

Pixel placeoooor❗Founder @ChimpersNFT 👾 | Artist @nounsdao | foundation.app/Timpers | ⌐◨-◨

フォロー数:7214 フォロワー数:53074

Jimmy knows how to party! we gotta get him down to the DOJO sometime, he'll fit in great 🤝😆🔥

7 91

gm to those that !CHIMP 👾☕️

7 172

Chimponel Messi, HUGE congrats from the Chimpers community and thanks for coming to the Dojo last week for a kick around. 🇦🇷🏆⚽️

68 371

gm to all you legends in the NFT world 👾☕️

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21 127

We couldn’t be more excited for everything to come with
. From building the dojo experience, to partnering with Paramount and TMNT, to everything we have coming…

We will continue to surprise, and deliver. You don’t want to miss the adventure! 👾🚀🌟

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Chimpish on the !CHIMP community ‼️👾

25 131

Ryan Chimpson 👾🌟‼️

We really appreciate you having us on your Daily Dose spaces! Here's our gift in return 🤝😆

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Made this poap for todays DailyDose! 👾

Was fun chatting !CHIMP with and 🙌🙉

19 149

gm to everyone in the NFT world, especially to those that !CHIMP ‼️☕️

12 141