

Pixel placeoooor❗Founder @ChimpersNFT 👾 | Artist @nounsdao | foundation.app/Timpers | ⌐◨-◨

フォロー数:7214 フォロワー数:53074

gm to those that !CHIMP 👾‼️

5 127

Father Chimpo in the building ‼️🎅👾

Let's have a Chimpish Christmas.

35 195

gm to those that !CHIMP ‼️👾

It's 🌟

12 118

gm, !CHIMP. 👾💫‼️

31 173

gm to those that !CHIMP on a Chuesday ‼️💎👾🔥

5 90

Master Splinter let me borrow his robe 🙌🤯

Can we get a !CHIMP chain 👇‼️🔥

28 185

gm to those that !CHIMPPPPP ‼️👾🏯🌟

18 153

So grateful, so privileged and beyond excited to meet Master Splinter and the TMNT world. The story continues! 🐢💚 !LFCHIMP


44 224

gm to those that !CHIMP 👾‼️🍣💎

10 107