I ❤️ Tokyo // ゴジラ // Godzilla // Kaiju // Tokusatsu

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:2336

The KAMEN RIDER GAIA script is about twice the length of HAKAIDER LAST JUDGEMENT. It'd be nice to release it next month but we'll see.

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Was blown away when gifted me this gorgeous commissioned art for Xmas. In his words "... there is no one else who loves the anime trilogy as much as you and nobody covered Godzilla Singular Point as much as you." Absolutely love it, thank you so much man!

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Where does time go? Saw Planet of the Monsters 4 years ago today at the in Shinjuku. A film that still personally means something ... Fantastic score, amazing song by , one of the most unique setups and features my favorite Godzilla to date.

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Any reviews of the English dub for SINGULAR POINT? It's available now over on Japan!

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According to a reader's letter in Uchusen Vol 60, they went to numerous video stores in 92' to rent SHIN KAMEN RIDER & found copies placed in the children's section. They were disappointed that adults likely wouldn't find the film & that kids would get nightmares. 😄

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Speaking of Hakaider ... anybody else get Keita Amemiya/Hakaider/tokusatsu vibes when watching (especially with the whole anti-hero/angelic villain stuff)? Some seriously cool suit work in that flick. You should do yourselves a favor and see it now.

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Big apologies to everyone who jumped in the SINGULAR POINT stream tonight---stream came to a crashing halt due to some computer issues on my end. Very sorry this was the case and plan to make it up to you guys.

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Go see & have another home run on their hands.

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A deepish dive for SHIN KAMEN RIDER is planned for later this year/early next (the origins/making-of sound compelling). Plan on knockin' on some doors for comment at some point (lookin' at you )

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