

✝️General meme/whatever account. Weeb. Muv-Luv, FE, Cyberpunk fan.

Art/OC ramblings account at

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:24

My Dress-Up Darling

Cute romcom anime, always had a soft spot for these ecchi romcoms. Expected something silly and ecchi, got something silly and ecchi but also well made, with a good set up for a romance between the characters, and a unique concept.

Also Marin is top tier

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My Multiverse of Madness

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Muramasa has way too many to just choose one. I could go on forever with quotes, both comedic and just cool af

But here's some more comedic ones lol

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All of these literally just translate to young boy/girl and adult man/woman. Its no different than going to the store and seeing the Young Adult section at a bookstore or some shit.

It means absolutely nothing about the genre as a whole, as an example. all of these are seinen.

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4. Senran Kagura
Came for the memes and the titties. Stayed for the good gameplay and surprisingly decent writing.

Also Fortnite. Sorry 😔

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2. I'm going to give 4 because just giving 1 is too difficult

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Chachamaru Ashikaga

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I got whoever this is

She look cute at least.

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