

VFX AI guy. Artist/Photographer and former Web Dev.
Personal experiments with Generative AI.

フォロー数:5406 フォロワー数:37523

This prompt produces some interesting logos. "clean, sharp, vectorized logo of a dystopian sci-fi megacorporation named *city living*, Company Logo, icon, trending modern and minimalist" Not all are great but it's pretty good for generating ideas.

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I know the result is really basic but I've just managed to get the Krita plugin hooked up to Google Colab and have been sketching and then using img2img via the plugin. Would this classify as art even though it's (mostly) AI?

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Hah totally. I think I'm addicted to making alternative Totoros.

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I'm seeing a lot of Ai generated robots and hot women in armour on my Twitter feed today so to break that up, here are some Totoro posters with a bit of religious symbolism thrown in.

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Quick note to mention that yes, beta with can do dragons. Check out this one along with the same render from midjourney original. You could process the first one to make it more painterly but it would be tough to do anything with the others.

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Yep, I'm glad I still have some GPU time saved up to play about. This looks like a game changer.

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I've found that words have the strongest effect at the start & end of a long prompt. More subtle effect in centre.
Here I:
-Started with male
-Added "female" at start(image showed stacked heads)
-Moved "female" to middle of prompt
Sometimes it's just tweaking and trial and error.

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Differences are fairly subtle with samplers. Here's the same image using ddim sampler and a difference map between images - black is when pixels have same value.

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"Handler with a young dragon" It took quite a bit of time to get this looking how I wanted but I'm glad I tried something a bit different for me

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Seeds are useful for changing facial hair but you can reuse the same seed and change the prompt to tweak.
1. Generate a batch of images.
2. Select the one you like and copy the prompt and seed.
3. add "clean shaven" to prompt.
Experiment with phrasing and positioning of words.

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