

A 28-year old guy who talks about cartoons & other stuff of interest, no matter the era.

PFP by @HatsOffMedia, Logo by @ilan_profile

フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:5896

ANIMATION IS FOR EVERYONE because... look at these pieces of art. How can you not love this??

23 128

Sure, your Rick & Mortys, American Dads, and Simpsons can be really entertaining, but there is currently so much more substance to adult animation than ever before. Get out of your comfort zone a bit and you're bound to find something to love here.


173 951

ANIMATION IS FOR EVERYONE because strong storylines with twists, turns, and engaging characters is simply not a concept bound by age.

37 157

ANIMATION IS FOR EVERYONE because anyone can laugh at fun slapstick or social commentary.

60 503

ANIMATION IS FOR EVERYONE because it is able to capture the imagination in such various ways.

From glitch monsters being fought by a MIB-style secret force, to feel-good fantasy with otherworldly creatures, and complex emotional allegories... you wish you could dream all this up

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As much as I've ragged on House of Mouse/Mouseworks, "Around the World in 80 Days" holds up quite well. And I think that's BC, unlike most of the series, it was much more emotion-driven than gag-driven. And let's be real, Mickey was always much better as an emotional character.

6 41

While Amphibia has an awful lot going for it in general, I think what really glues the series together are the family dynamics.

Only in a show like this will you see a human girl legitimately feel like part of a frog family. And it's so well-developed & natural.


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IMO the Owl House is a great example on how having lore and drama in your show can only truly work out if you have the right substance and characters.

It started good, but once the crew got a good handle on the main cast, that's when everything *really* started to come together.

18 82

Black is a really great color on Luz, I must say.

13 73