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S1 is peak hero design for static. It has a good color balance. The minor change I'd do is ad gold and purple to the logo since just solid black is a bit bland. S2 is ok but its too much black dominating the costume. Maybe keep black to the under outfit and not on the coat.

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Sorry to hear that Zeni hope everything will be ok.

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He really should be in an all ages book.

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I haven't gotten around to redesigning him yet, though I don't imagine I would tread away from the original since I like how it looks.

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I'd replace Wonder Woman with Zatanna Zatara to take her place as a founder of the JL. She has a fun rogues galley and a great power set. She's not just Amazon Superman. I feel like the JL could represent corners of the DCU. ZZ work great for Magic. WW is hardly a magic hero.

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If Superman needs to fight "strong character" that can rival him...

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I did this piece of fan art along with about 30 more. Realy think a lot of these would make great stickers.

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I feel the Jigen design is one of the best character designs out there.

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