

✏️Professional Fan Artist |📺Youtuber |👦🏽 he/him | 🇵🇭 Filipino-American | Gijinkas mostly

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フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:647

Yeah, yeah, this was the Zutara episode. But beyond that, I love the duality of Katara this episode. She could have killed the prick, but didn't. She could've forgiven him, but didn't. Learning to move on w/out definite closure is a wonderfully mature message for kids.

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The first two "real" anime series that I ever watched was "Ouran High School Host Club", and "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt". taste was all over the place lmao.

Incidentally, both have wonderful performances by the talented . Two great series all-around!

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The very first movie I ever saw in theaters was The Rugrats Movie.

I remember a family member of mine saying they thought the babies were ugly, and I would be inclined to disagree if it weren't delightfully true.

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Much like everyone else here, Toy Story.

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I'm not spoiling anything for anime-onlies, but these two right here? Ishigami and Iino?

Their dynamic is beautiful and I would die for both of them.

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Sooo much happened in this two-partner, man. Sokka/Zuko bromance, Suki's return, daddy's back, and Mai's betrayal all wrapped up in one hell of a prison break. Just loved it all.

Also, whoever animated this fight between Suki and Ty Lee needs a goddamn award.

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In this house, we support Fangirl Nurse Joy.

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As soon as the next chapter is released, I will be reacting to a little-known series that is an absolute favorite of mine. You may have heard of it. It's called, "Kaguya-sama: Love is War."

How cute, right?

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This might be really petty of me, but… Am I the only one who isn’t a fan of the colors on Ash’s Gengar? It’s just, I dunno, too “soft” for my liking. The darker contrasts for other Gengar just really sell it as a shadowy figure. Like, what point do the alternate colors serve?

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