

フォロー数:320 フォロワー数:3167

This just in, Karkat fucking Vantas is dead
(Ended up drawing this based off a joke I'd made about this one Act 6 panel where he's for some reason just dangerously hanging off the side of the victory platform and how he'd need ridiculous leg strength not to just bloody plummet)

74 411

Ended up drawing some shapes while in the middle of a call, and while this is sort of janky I like how it turned out.

5 68

I ended up seeing the Psycholonials trailer again the other day and I guess that prompted me to draw the freaky ghost dad or something, h.
Guess I'll give a warning for idk, blood , that always seems to be something people are iffy on and I ain't blaming em, that shit's gross.

9 77

I was bored and ended up making a quick doodle of some Goat Aradia, couldn't exactly think of a good background to draw for em though so i just sat em on a comfy lil beanbag chair, h.

47 243

Again another thing that's sorta out of character with what I usually draw, but I wanted to try and make some vaguelly yume nikki like environement for fun, it's not perfect by any means but hey it's a start.

3 27

Sorry again about how long these drawing requests have been taking, I took a break and it's been difficult trying to get back to all of em.
As consolation here's another small preview.

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I honestly couldn't think of anything actually good to post for this art train so I guess these silly things will have to do, h.

26 161

Wasn't able to save everything that I'd drawn during the aggio sessions on the Sahcon discord when it was still up, but here's a bunch of stuff i was able to actually hold onto, h.

14 96

Drew a Terezi for the hell of it earlier, not too much of a fan of how it turned out but it's something at the least, h.

118 531

So people started talking about the pre troll reveal characters again and I just couldn't help but draw some more of these funny dudes (plus an alt of one image since i couldn't decide just how to draw karkat)

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