

フォロー数:320 フォロワー数:3167

Im super fuckin tired right now and i guess i ended up drawing that funny pico dude, decided to try my best to keep that old 2006 newgrounds spirit with these.

15 86

Went ahead and drew Kunuki once again as a small gift for 's birthday, what'cha gonna do about it, h.

8 72

Well It's been awhile since i've drawn anything related to say Vast error, And I guess since i've been getting caught up a little more with it I thought hey might aswell draw something, h.

5 42

Just remembered this one Jade drawing I did about a week ago as some kinda warmup, it's not much but I kinda like how this turned out.

81 400


79 389

Originally planned to post this on the day but my worries about forgotting are making me post it now, it don't matter too much i suppose, h.
Happy early birthday ya funky individual!

17 89

So I just remembered that I tried to draw something anti-aliased, and it resulted in me drawing this kinda freaky looking Aranea that I never ended up finishing making a background for, I was originally just not gonna post this anywhere but I just now figured ah why the hell not.

16 123

Haven't had much else to post, so I guess i might aswell post this Rose drawing I got done earlier based off this dream I had the other night.

69 332

As a matter of fact I do, here ya go Lupa.

1 8

I was listening to the SH3 soundtrack again earlier and I kinda had this one character design i've had stuck in my head for awhile pop back up again, so I decided what the hell, there ain't no harm in sketching stuff.

6 47