

Author of the ToughSF blog. Original SuperNerd.
Kurzgesagt Team Duck.

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:25961

The Kronstadt-class guided-missile cruiser with a railgun turret, a UUV bay, many many VLS missile cells and helicopter pads at the rear.
by '北陵重工的票票'.

6 73

The latest fusion ignition record blasted a DT target with 2.05 MJ of laser energy and gained 3.15 MJ in return.
How far does this put us from a self-sustaining fusion reactor?
And update to last year's thread:

10 50

A 'patchy proton aurora' on Mars:
MAVEN has uncovered this type of aurora on the red planet's day side as it interacts with the solar wind, where some of it is deflected and some of it strikes the atmosphere directly.

4 21

If we want to find wet terrestrial planets, we have to look at red dwarf stars rather than larger sun-like stars.
This is based on an analysis of how the snow line in a planetary system shifts and intersects with the habitable zone.

7 44

The Starblade frigate, with rotating 'star pyramid' nose armor and dusty plasma radiators to make it very resistant to laser damage.
Excellent by

15 116

Full NASA book on the Pioneer program: first to Jupiter, Saturn and beyond.
Its 221 pages are filled with photos, diagrams and details on how we reached for the Outer Solar System.

5 17

The power of a star is related to its mass M^3.5, while its lifetime is proportional to M^-2.5
This means a 100 solar mass star will be 10 million times more powerful than our Sun, but live for only 100,000 years.

5 28

The US did in fact consider developing an 'Ekranoplan' of their own, with some designs suggesting WIG craft far larger than the Soviet Lun-class.

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A rocket-racer that looks incredibly dangerous to fly in. How do you land? Find out after winning the race.
by Sabrina Garcia.

7 58

I also love the inclusion of art done by the ToughSF community.
There's depiction of star pyramid armor ( and of course 's incredible work on 's USS Shepard.

6 44