

artist/illustrator/bear wrestler/toy maker/wine taster/bird watcher/lion tamer/fox racer/egg kicker...

フォロー数:522 フォロワー数:419

Getting ready for some serious on Thurs. Get yourself down to Unfold Arts for some super chilled creative goodness. BYOB ~ suggested donation: 5Bugs. Cheap date! What’s not to like?! ❤️ Kids welcome.

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Messing about with Enjoying picking apart pieces of work + putting them back together again.

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Watching out of Quad window and drawing today, this is what I come up with. Strange town I live in :::

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when you accidentally sit on a piece of your favourite artwork. do not worry. a feature can be made of it :)

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good grief. i hate the idea of a 'proposal' in the 'art world'. cant i just draw some things and hang them on a wall?

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if i was going to be a weird green ginger haired glasses wearing cat thing this would be it

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