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Order Kiseki Notes 02 Falcom Fanbook for 1,870¥ Artwork by @vv10031 https://t.co/utkSW5IXN4 #TrailsofColdSteel #Falcom #閃の軌跡
. .and those
you so generously
offered me
and I willingly
are very present
#TrailsofColdSteel #ReanSchwarzer #AlisaReinford #XSEEDGames #NISAmerica #Falcom #FriskyFriday #RomanticSuspense
"The winds are unusually strong today. Gaius must be practicing close by!" Fanart by @scent_sen gaha https://t.co/oDisT43dFB #TrailsofColdSteel #TowaHerschel @MeganTHarvey #XSEEDGames #NISAmerica #Falcom #WaifuWednesday #閃の軌跡
@vinheim We're sorry. We feel your pain! Someone must pay for this gross negligence!
At the end of his S-Craft Cross Raven, after the bullets he fired surround the area, he does a badass fingersnap and all of them hit the enemies at once. #TrailsofColdSteel #CrowArmbrust #クロウアームブラスト #XSEEDGames #NISAmerica #Falcom #閃の軌跡 #Sennokiseki #ManCrushMonday
As revealed in the Red Moon Rose book series, she's done quite a lot of heroics! Fanart by @PixeL_251 #TrailsofColdSteel3 #NISAmerica #Falcom #Roselia #のローゼリア #閃の軌跡3 #WaifuWednesday
"Another goodie for my collection!"
Fanart by ヨシュア https://t.co/7MFCqlY8BX #TrailsofColdSteel3 #TioPlato #ティオプラトー #KaoriMizuhashi #NISAmerica #Falcom #WaifuWednesday #閃の軌跡3
"TGIF Enjoy your weekend, guys! If you act a little naughty while having fun, well that's alright in my book!" #TrailsofColdSteelII #McBurn #XSEEDGames #Falcom #Sennokiseki2 #閃の軌跡2
"To my heart
His mind is
a dangerous
Fanart by 朝野れい https://t.co/Bsnv3fOina #TrailsofColdSteel4 #LloydBannings #ElieMacDowell #閃の軌跡IV #FiskyFriday
The power
of thoughts
can be
in the wrong
pair of hands
Fanart by みコウ https://t.co/qchIdVG8q4 #TrailsofColdSteel #KurtandJuna #Falcom #FriskyFriday